This just in from Gunnar Andreassen:
[I thought you might like to have this hight resolution scan of a painting of Walt Disney on the cover of The Commentator, October, 1938, which I bought recently.
In my opinion this is one of the nicest magazine covers with him that was made in his lifetime.
I started thinking: How many magazine covers with WD are there ? Certainly not a large number, as most of the magazines with "Disney articles" had something else on the cover. I can't remember having seen a movie magazine with WD on the cover, those were reserved for the stars of the silver screen.
Even if he was depicted in a lot of magazines in the 1930s, his features were probably not well known among ordinary people.
A shift took place in the 1950s when he became a TV celebrity.
Enclosed you'll also find my attempt of making a list of magazines with WD on the cover. I'm sure that I don't know all that were made. Do you know or have magazine covers with WD that have escaped my attention ?
Pictorial Weekly, England, April 5, 1930, Photo of WD with cardboard figure of Mickey
The Tatler, England, 1931 or 1932, Photo of WD with cardboard figure of Mickey
VU, France, 1931, Photo of WD with cardboard figure of Mickey
Der Ansporn, Germany, April 4, 1932, Photo of Walt and six Mickeys
Popular-Films, Spain, August 14, 1933, Photo of Walt and Mickey
La Settima Arte, Italy, 1935, WD at drawing table with M.M. and S.S. figures
(La Perla Della Productione)
Voila, France, June 25, 1935, Photo of Walt and Lillian - Paris background
Time Magazine, USA, Dec. 27, 1937, Color photo of WD with dwarf figurines
The Family Circle, USA, June 24, 1938, No. 25, vol. 12, Photo of WD - two drawings of Donald Duck
The Commentator, USA, October, 1938, No. 3, vol. 4, Painted portrait of WD - small drawing M.M.
Cine-Journal, Portugal, November 21, 1938, Photo of Walt with Mickey and Donald and various Silly Symphony characters
Primer Plano, Spain, 1941, Portrait of Walt (launched the infamous rumor about Walt being born in Spain, thanks to Franco's propaganda machine)
The New York Times Book Review, USA, June 7, 1942, Photo of Walt
Saturday Review of Literature, USA, June 6, 1942, Photo of WD
La Presse, Canada, 1944, Photo of WD
Picture Post, England, March 23, 1946, Photo portrait of WD
Aqui Esta!, Argentina, two issues from April and August 1946, Photo of Walt in Argentina
Showmens' Trade Review, USA, January 17, 1948, No. 3, Vol. 48, Photo of WD "drawing Steamboat Willie"
Guideposts, USA, June 1949, Photo of WD and beginning of his article "There's Always a Solution"
Quick (News Weekly), USA, April 24, 1950, Photo of WD - drawing Cinderella
Epoca, Italy, Dec. 9, 1950, Photo of WD, drawing of Donald Duck
TV Forecast, USA, Dec. 23, 1950, Photo of WD and drawings/photos of his Characters
Electric Trains, USA, Dec, 1951, Photo of WD on Lilly Belle
The Miniature Locomotive, USA, May-June 1952, Photo of WD and passengers on miniature train
Leoplan, Argentine, July 15, 1953, Photo of WD and Goofy doll
TV Guide, USA, October 1954, Photo of WD - and characters art
Time Magazine, USA, Dec. 27, 1954, No. 26, Vol LXIV, Painting of WD by Boris Chaliapin
TV-Radio Life, USA, March 1955, Photo of WD (+ Donald and Mickey)
Newsweek, USA, April 18, 1955, Photo of WD in front of blowups of his characters
Look, USA, July 26, 1955, Photo of WD
The Santa Fe Magazine, USA, August, 1955, Photo of WD, Mickey doll and train
Hudson Family Magazine, USA, 1955, No. 3, Vol. 3, Photo of WD
Saturday Evening Post, USA, Nov. 17, 1956, Painting of WD and his char. On train, by Tenggren
Disneyland, USA, July 1955, Photo of WD and painting of Disneyland
Disneyland, USA, July 1956, Photo of WD and Mickey Mouse
Disneylander, USA, July 1957, Photo of WD
TV Guide, USA, Dec. 14-20, 1957, Photo of WD (+ characters in color)
Disneylander, USA, May, 1958, Photo of WD on Lilly Belle
Walt Disney's Magazine, USA, February 1959, Photo of WD and ?
Wisdom, USA, 1959, No. 32, Photo of WD
Picturegoer, England, March 21, 1959, Janes Munro and small photo of WD and his characters
Continental, Mexico, Nov. 22, 1961, Drawing of WD and his characters
Newsweek, USA, Dec. 31, 1962, Photo of WD, Mickey Mouse and the Castle
TV Magazine, USA, Feb. 24, 1963, Drawing of WD, not caricature
Pictorial Magazine, USA Sept. 1, 1963, Caricature of WD
TV Week, Australia, Feb. 20, 1965, Photo of WD and dolls
TV Times, Australia, March 25, 1964, Photo of WD and drawings of his characters
Disney News, USA, Winter 1965/1966, Photo of WD in Disneyland with characters]