Thursday, August 22, 2024

Disney Legend Martha Blanding has a fascinating personal story, which is beautifully captured in her autobiography, Groundbreaking Magic.

If you are interested in the evolution of Disneyland since the 1970s against the backdrop of societal changes, the fun and glamour of Guest Relations, the inner workings of Disney fan-tailored events, and the complexity of Disney Parks merchandise operations, this book is for you. 

Of course, I am biased, since Martha's co-writer, Tim O'Day, is a good friend whose writing style I love.

From my standpoint the book was interesting both from a Disney-history angle, but also, of course, due to its focus on growing up black in California at a time where things were finally starting to change for the better.

In summary: If you have to decide and can only buy two Disney Editions books this season, pick up Bob Weis' autobiography and Directing at Disney by Pete Docter and Don Peri. If you have some extra money to spare, definitely add to your list Groundbreaking Magic and Bring the Magic Home.

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