This just in from Are Myklebust:
[I did set up a list over some of the famous people Walt Disney met through his lifetime lately.
Thought it might have some interest for you.
Please be free to publish it on your "Disney History" blog.
Walt Disney met a lot of world famous people through his lifetime.
Here’s a list of some of the names (in alphabetical order):
Louis Armstrong (1900 – 1971), American jazz musician.
George Balanchine (1904 – 1983), Russian/ American choreographer.
Robert Benchley (1889 – 1945), American author and humorist.
Ingmar Bergman (1918 – 2007), Swedish film director.
Ray Bradbury (1920 - ), American science fiction author.
Charlie Chaplin (1889 – 1977), British actor and film director (active in U.S.).
Roald Dahl (1916 – 1990), British RAF pilot and later author.
Salvador Dali (1904 – 1989), Spanish artist (surrealist painter).
Dwight Eisenhower (1890 – 1969), U.S. president.
Sergei Eisenstein (1890 – 1948), Russian film director.
Kirsten Flagstad (1895 – 1962), Norwegian singer.
Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), American industrialist (founder Ford Motor Company).
Amadeo Pietro Giannini (1870 – 1949), American banker (founder Bank of America).
Billy Graham (1918 - ), American evangelist.
Edwin Hubble (1889 – 1953), American astronomer.
Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963), British author.
Julian Huxley (1887 – 1975), British biologist, author and humanist (and brother of Aldous).
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 – 1973), U.S. president.
Ray Kroc (1902 – 1984), American businessman (McDonalds).
Louis Lumiere (1864 – 1948), French film pioneer.
Thomas Mann (1875 – 1955). German author (Nobel Prize winner).
Richard Nixon (1913 – 1994), U.S. vice president and later U.S. president.
Ronald Reagan (1911 – 2004), American actor, later U.S. President.
Norman Rockwell (1894 – 1978), American painter and illustrator.
Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971), Russian composer (active in France and U.S.).
Leopold Stokowski (1882 – 1977), British-American conductor.
Deems Taylor (1885 – 1966), American music critic.
Shirley Temple (Black) (1928 - ), American child actor (and later diplomat).
Wernher von Braun (1912 – 1977), German aerospace engineer (in U.S.).
Sir Herbert Wilkins (1888 – 1958), Australian aviator and Arctic explorer.
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867 – 1959), American architect.
+ many famous entertainment personalities, Hollywood celebrities
and film makers in Britain and U.S.]
The above photo shows Walt with Robert Moses and Henry Ford Jr.
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