In my review of the book African Cats: The Story Behind the Film a few months ago, I wrote:
[As you probably noticed, I have become fascinated by the True-Life Adventures over the past few months and African Cats seems to be a worthy successor to that classic series (I have not yet seen the movie but I am now looking forward to it thanks to this beautiful book).
Which is probably why I started reading this book the moment I got it and loved every bit of it. The text is well-written. It is beautifully illustrated. It feels like a very long issue of National Geographic. My only reservation is the fact that it does not feature any image about the making of the movie. In other words no photos of men and women actually shooting it. And no words about pre-production work.]
All of this holds true for the beautiful Chimpanzee: The Making of the Film. But the editors had the good idea of solving the only mistake of the previous volume by including several images of the making of the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, but it is obviously not a "must have" for Disney historians.
I love the True-Life Adventures too, I was so excited when they came out on DVD. Although a True-Life Fantasy I love PERRI, I have the set of Lobby Cards for that one. I think The Vanishing Praire is my favorite. Do you know of the book about the making of The Living Desert? I'll have to look at extra features again for that film to find the title.
No Mark, I don't. I would LOVE to get the name of that one.
The book is probably Song of Wild Laughter by Jack Couffer.
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