[I valued Lloyd as my friend and right hand and arm on three pictures. “Nikki”, “Lobo”, and “Incredible Journey”, and he helped me with his tame grizzly bear on a non-Disney flick. Lloyd not only shot beside me, he also did a great job (before we had real trainers) at figuring out ways to get our animals to do some of the things that people are frequently asking about. “How do you get them to do those things?” is perhaps the most common question I hear. Lloyd often had the answer.
We shot much of “Incredible Journey” on his property in Sequim, Washington. It’s a varied landscape including a stream, pond, wooded hill, and green fields. It was an altogether wonderful time and place with a great team—one of the best production experiences of my career.
He wrote a book: “Wilderness Trails and a Dream”.]
Didyou ever feature this old disney item?
If I remember well, scans of it were posted on the ASIFA Archives blog at some point in the past.
A copy of Dispatch From Disney's recently sold on eBay for I recall about $150. It wa sin nice condition, but was missing the pin-up centerfold.
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