Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Jim Korkis' in-depth article about the Disney Gremlins saga has just been released as part of Hogan's Alley number 15. To quote from the email I got today from Hogan's Alley:
[Hogan's Alley #15 has finally shipped from the printer. We sincerely apologize for the lateness of the issue. We honestly thought it would be out by Labor Day, but the bindery encountered some problems, perhaps pertaining to the issue's size. At 160 pages, it's our biggest issue yet. It's arriving in some comics shops this week, but some shops, bookstores and newsstands will receive copies in the next weekor two. (Check with yours to see. If they don't receive ANY copies,you need to find a better class of shop or newsstand.) Subscriber copies follow a little later, but they will go in the mail soon. The good news is that it's not too late to subscribe and receive issue #15 hot off the presses.
If you would like to subscribe and receive issue #15 as the first issue on your four-issue sub, you can order at this link or simply use Paypal to send $22.95 to (We are not making the issue available for single-issue purchase yet, but we willafter we've met subscribers' needs.) Subscribing is the best way toensure that you get your magazines, but you must ACT NOW to receive#15 as subscriber copies will go out very soon! And we'll be randomly inserting original "Dennis the Menace" roughs by "Dennis" artist Marcus Hamilton into 20 subscriber copies, so give yourself a shot to win a unique collectible!]

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