Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Quick heads up from Garry Apgar about this new French book which might interest a few of you (I think I will pass).


Garry Apgar said...

POP QUIZ: Can anyone out there identify the person who shot the photo on the cover of this book, and share with us at least one "fun fact" about the photographer? (Grading, boys and girls, will be on a curve.)

Garry Apgar said...

It's hard to grade blank test papers on a curve. So, since Didier's readers, down to the last man, woman and child, are apparently playing hooky, I'll hold off on any "fun facts" about the photographer. Except to say that his name was Tom Collins. Like the drink. Collins also took the picture of Walt that is on the cover of the Gabler biography.

Christian S. said...

That was a tough question, since the answer was hard to find. What I could find, was that it were probably featured in Life magazine around 1939