Monday, January 30, 2012

I am certain that some of you will enjoy this caricature by Victor Valdivia released on the cover of the Argentine magazine Caras y Caretas from April 10, 1937. Not sure who the political figure caricatured is.


Didier Ghez said...

Thanks a million Alex!

Alexander Rannie said...

The political figure being caricatured is Marcelo T. de Alvear, President of Argentina from October 1922 to October 1928. Deported to Europe in 1932 (after leading a failed revolution), he returned to Argentina in 1935 and ran, unsuccessfully, for President in 1937. The cartoon appears to satirize Alvear's inability to find an Argentinian nesting ground, as it were, and the poem roughly translates:
"Though constantly shouting/crying,
I do so without success,
and I do not know where
I'll be allowed to swim."