Those of you who know Paul, also know that his Disney "archives" are simply outstanding. One of the many documents I discovered during this trip is the internal magazine from the '60s and early '70s The Disney World (pictured above). Would any one of you own any copies of it? If so, could you please email me.
More on Monday.
Hi. I'm not sure if we ever met but if we did it would have been back in the late 90's or early 2000's at an NFFC convention or somewhere. Anyway, Paul Anderson and I are old friends and have lost touch. I was doing a Google search to try to locate him and found your blog. I'd really appreciate it if you could get a message to Paul for me. Tell him to e-mail me at dcarver61@gmail.com or call my cell at 214-616-6781. I'd love to catch-up and also tell him an interesting story I just heard about the 64 World's Fair and I was wondering if he could confirm it.
David (& Katie) Carver
Richardson, TX
I have one issue, and it is the one that is pictured (with the Walt Disney stamp). Would you be interested in scans of that one?
David: I will forward your email to Paul today.
Major Pepperidge: Thanks. Unfortunately that is the only issue I own too :-)
Hi Didier,
Actually, I would be interested in scans of that issue. The cover plays in perfectly with my intereest in Philately and Disney (and Disney Philately, of which there is quite a bit!)
The "Vintage Disneyland Tickets" blog has a scan of a complete issue of "The Disney World" today, thought you might be interested if you haven't seen it!
This is great. Thanks a million for telling us!
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