Friday, December 02, 2016

I am currently working on the chapter about Tom Oreb for the fourth volume of the They Drew As They Pleased book series, and I am learning a lot, as always. For example, I had totally forgotten that Tom Oreb had drawn the cartoons that illutrate the 1943 Disney booklet, The Ropes at Disney.


  1. Apart from the nice drawings, that booklet gives great insight on the day-to-day goings-on at the Studio (a place we now mainly see as the origin of many legendary films, but at the same time was a company like many others with an HR department, rules and regulations, etc.). Didier, I have a digital copy of this booklet, but do you know if it was ever reprinted in full in one of the Disney history books? Maybe it will appear in They Drew As They Pleased?

  2. As far as I know, no it has not and it will not appear in TDATP.

  3. This is the booklet Van Arsdale France mentioned in his book (Window On Main Street, 35 Years of Creating Happiness at Disneyland Park) where he felt comfortable creating a similar employee handbook for Disneyland. I have never seen a picture of it before... this is great stuff! I also just discovered another page over at

    Thanks for posting and I hope one day to find a full copy.
