Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you enjoy Don Rosa comic books (and if you don't it's certainly because you have never read any of them yet), then this new book edited by Paolo Castagno (in Italian and English) is probably for you. Paolo has gathered the very best historians of Disney comics for this volume, which will probably become a "must have."


  1. Hmm... that drawing in the lower right corner is one Don did for me in Stockholm back in 1992. I wonder how it ended up on the cover of this book???
    (I just scanned it for the norwegian editor of the new Don Rosa collection telling her it was unpublished...)

  2. Hi Didier,

    Thanks for your kind words about the Papersera book, maybe even "too" kind!

    The book contains all sort of articles from the Papersera friends.

    Surely among them there are most of the "best historian of Disney comics" such as Alberto Becattini, Leonardo Gori and Frank Stajano, among the others. There are articles from Disney creators such as Carlo Chendi, Fausto Vitaliano and Carlo Panaro, and again there are very remarkable celebrating drawings, and one of them is from Cavazzano...

    But there are also other articles written by younger fellows that might seem a little "weird" to the ones expecting a book entirely composed by "professional" articles: there are also "simple fans" who want to express their gratitude to Don Rosa.

    BTW, the Lulu version of the book still isn't ready since we're still removing some (minor) typos from the book.


    - Paolo
