This just in from Jim Korkis:
[Does anyone know anything more about this? Who is playing Walt and what does he say for 45 minutes?]
Didier: the actor playing Walt will be Bill Worley, apparently. Check
this link for more details.]
["Disney," "Edison" to Appear in Kirkwood
KIRKWOOD, Mo. (West County Journal) – Walt Disney, Thomas A. Edison, Margaret Mitchell and P.T. Barnum will be in Kirkwood this week. The Kirkwood Public Library and the Missouri Humanities Council are inviting the public to take a journey back in time as Chautauqua 2008, "That's Entertainment," arrives Thursday for a four-day appearance. Actors from across the country will grace the stage; the performers have been compared to scholars who have completed in-depth research of their characters. Each night, there will be an opening act, such as the Moolah Shrine clowns, Dan Rubright's and Steve Schnekel's "New Sounds," and Joe Thompson's Dixieland Band. Then, the actors will bring their characters back to life with a 30- to 45-minute in-character monologue covering their accomplishments, place in history and impact on public entertainment. Following the performances, the actors will step out of character and answer questions from the audience with their historical knowledge. The events are free and will take place in the Lions Amphitheater in Kirkwood Park. A different character will make an appearance in each program, beginning with Walt Disney Thursday, Thomas Edison Friday, Margaret Mitchell Saturday and Phineas Taylor Barnum Sunday.]